Monday, June 15, 2009

Open Letter - Part 2

So, apparently my original apology in my first Open Letter has been deemed pointless due to the enormity of my original transgression.

And apparently, you yourself are lily white and pure and above reproach in this entire exchange. Forget your continued stalking and digs at A. Forget your harping on about my lack of "original thought." Forget everything you may have contributed to this situation.

Not only are you unwilling to accept my apology for my actions - you continue to dredge it up and throw it back in my face.

You have no class.


ChicagoSane said...

It's because you're a lackey, remember?

Don't let people get to you. Lots of people are victimizers and get off when they find someone who plays the victim.

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EEE said...

Thanks, Sane.

As for you, Angel, I'd like you to meet my friend Kettle!



(Says the chick who can't practice what she preaches!!!!)

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